Khenpo Tsenam, Tibet's most famous exponent of TTM, in jovial mood,
mixing medicines in a master class at the Tara College

Tibetan doctor palpating the pulse of a patient
at one of Rokpa's clinics in Eastern Tibet

Sample materia medica and medical paintings in a Tibetan clinic

medical world can be split into two basic categories the direct
diagnostic approach and that of technology based observation, Traditional
Tibetan Medicine (TTM) lies within the former category. The knowledge
behind Tibetan Medicine has been practised and developed for over
2500 years. In the 7th century the first Youtok Yonten Gonpo,
the greatest physician of Tibet who had studied extensively the
essence of Chinese and Ayurvidic medicine, wrote the first medical
texts on Tibetan Medicine, known as the "Four Tantras".
four Tantras explain how the body is formed, and how it functions
right down to the smallest cells in relationship with the five elements
and also how it deteriorates, how to prevent disease and how to
cure aliments .
Five Elements
Tibetan Medicine, one finds both the Indian and the Chinese systems
of the "five
The Indian system, in which they apear primarily as the 5 fundamental
components of all relative phenomena, corresponding to what, on
one level, we would currently call matter, bonding, thermodynamics,
kinesis and space.
The Chinese system, in which they appear in a more dynamic sense,
corresponding to four general phases of all life cycles and an underlying
ground state, i.e. initial growth, maturation, decomposition and
resorption into the whole, that is taking place on all sorts of
levels and over all sorts of timescales, from the molecular right
up to the duration of a human life.
two systems are not contradictory but complementary. Both are employed
extensively in Tibetan medicine. Pulse
palpation, for instance, is very much concerned with attuning
to the immediate state of the body and so uses the dynamic form
of the elements. The pharmaceutical theory of TTM however is more
concerned with the more constant therapeutic properties of its materia
medica, and hence resorts more to the compositional aspects of the
5 elements.
to Preserve Traditional Tibetan Medicine
texts describe over 2,000 substances used to make medicines
in TTM. In practice, the largest hospitals employ up to 800
and a doctor in a remote valley, sourcing and making his or her
own medicines, may use around 100.
Although Tibetan Medicine is held in high esteem throughout Asia,
it also faces real and present danger of extinction, even by its
very popularity, with the breakdown of traditional Tibetan culture.
Urgent effort needs to put into stopping the pillaging of the rare
plant and animal resources of the Tibetan plateau in order to satisfy
the Asian market. This will be best accomplished by creating high-altitude
farms of materia medica as a cottage industry for the indigenous
Tibetan people, who lack employment.
in the West -
high standards
Ttraditional Tibetan Medicine is being discovered by the modern
West and, so far as its medicines are concerned, there is much to
be learnt both about the therapeutic uses of individual materials
as well as about the theory and practice of their combination and
the resulting synergy. Preservation of the highest standards of
medical scholarship, training and practice are in urgent need of
support. Rokpa International,
a Swiss-based humanitarian organisation, already has a number of
on-going initiatives for Tibetan medical education, preservation
of medical knowledge and provision of clinics in remote areas. Tara
Rokpa is concerned with the healing arts, both in terms of psychotherapy
and medicine. The Tara Rokpa College of Tibetan Medicine offers
both training and clinics. Before Western patients can truly benefit
from these ancient formulae, large-scale research needs to be done
to credible double-blind standards both to authenticate the value
of these medicines and to guarantee their safety. Tara
Rokpa Edinburgh propose to support a factory for the production
of purely herbal Tibetan Medicines which will meet UK and European
Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) standards as well as the traditional
Tibetan ones.