Past Article: Tibet's
Geographic Importance to the Global Environment
The Prayer Wheel House standing on three sides of the beautiful
Samye Ling Victory Stupa, was consecrated in a traditional ceremony
by Akong Tulku Rinpoche in the Summer of 2007. Each Prayer Wheel
contains millions of prayers. The energy and blessing of these prayers
is activated and sent into the environment by the wheels turning.
Electric Motors turn the wheels very slowly so that the prayers
are continuously transmitted day and night, but individual pilgrims
can turn the wheels by hand as each one has a beautifully turned
wooden handle. They then gain the merit of saying these millions
of prayers for all beings and the planet itself.
Ling Stupa
to be installed are the remaining Buddha statues and the golden
stupas for the cabinets which will be reliquaries for the ashes
of lamas. |
The Prayer Wheel House
remaining 15 prayer wheels are on order from Nepal. Meanwhile we
are continuing to to saffron and roll the sheets of mantras which
fill the prayer wheels. At present it is not possible to turn the
wheels as dust from he building work has entered the internal mechanism,
and the plan to go "electric" has to wait until all the
wheels are in place.
Forceful representations have been made to the Road Safety authorities
to establish a speed limit on either side of Samye Ling.. A metal
safety barrier, which will eventually be screened by a beech hedge,
is now in place along the road to protect the Prayer Wheel house.
During gales two lengths of the prayer flags that decorate the
four sides of the Stupa and which are held by ropes to the top of
the spire were blown down. These are now reattached on new gales
Fountain of Blessings
Statue of Guru Rinpoche in the Fountain of Blessings is in the process
of being repainted by Chokyi Zangmo and the surrounding pond is
to be tiled with small blue tiles which have kindly been sponsored. |
August Rokpa Heritage Project organised a "Buddhist
Himalaya" festival to support and protect endangered Himalayan
culture in Tibet and Nepal at Rheged Mountaineering Centre Nr Penrith. It
featured lectures and a photographic exhibition by famous explorers
and mountaineers, talks, workshops and videos on Himalayan culture,
meditation, medicine art and spirituality, Himalayan film festiva,l
Himalayan market and book fayre and Tibetan dance performances featuring Dolkar Lhamo and Tashi
Dorje. We would like to thank all our evening speakers, particularly
Sir Chris Bonington, Doug Scott CBE, Mike Searle from Oxford University
and Julian Freeman -Atwood. Rokpa thanks Rheged,
and the companies that helped to sponsor the
Exhibition. |
On the morning of December 9th an unladen logging lorry skidded on
some black ice on the narrow valley road that passes Samye Ling, careered
through the hedge into the prayer wheel house and brought the whole
structure down. Amazingly, no one was killed and the Stupa was not
damaged. more pictures
and information |
The Mani House is almost complete and the first Prayer Wheels are
in place in time for the Samye Ling Tea Party
the summer of 2005 more than 60 volunteers arrived each weekend
to help build the Prayer Wheel House. Akong Tulku Rinpoche worked
alongside us every day and often gave impromptu teachings during
the group tea breaks. Amazing progress was made with a small group
of volunteers working alongside a team of residents every week day
from eight in the morning until ten or 11 at night. It was an unusually
hot summer with week after week of good weather and the atmosphere
was joyful and harmonious. See
walls and roof trusses were built and the inner walkway paved. By
the end of July all that needed to be done before the installation
of the prayer wheels was the fixing of sandstone . Meanwhile prayer
wheels were being filled with millions of mantras, painstakingly
saffroned, rolled and blessed. A self taught Mani Wheel engineer
had been working all summer experimenting with rods and cogs and
electrical ideas to create super smooth turning wheels. During the
autumn the copper roofing was completed and the sandstone sills
fixed in place ready for the prayer wheels to be installed by skilled
volunteers who worked at weekends.
Prayer Wheel House: It's April and the foundations have begun. Many prayer
wheels have been sponsored as has the copper for the roofing and the
building materials for the retaining wall. Around £50,000 is
still required for the foundations, wooden roof struts and glass inner
wall. The building work is being carried out by dedicated volunteers
in their spare time. The approach path wil be completed and landscaped
with rabbit-proof bulbs and shrubs this autumn. More
aout the Mani Korlo House |
2004 Progress
on the Stupa Interior: Master Joiner Steven Harting has fitted
the panelled ceiling with a golden inlaid Mandala. Air conditioning
is now in place. The floor and inlaid marble mandala, lighting for
cabinets, and carved entrance doors will be the next step. We hope
to raise the £4,000 needed to complete this next stage this
year. |
Peace Garden Completion: The remaining landscaping tasks for
the Peace Garden were completed, a major part of this being the
construction of the Nagarjuna statue in the large Lotus pond by
Lama Thubten Kunsal, with help from the venerable Gyamtso, Gelong
Lamzang and Namdrol. The statue faces West and symbolises the establishment
of the Mahayana teachings on Wisdom and Compassion in the West.
The Copper entrance canopy to the Stupa was completed just in time
for the Summer Tea Party. Jimpa returned once again to renew work
in the shrine room.
2003 Newsletter |
Mingyur Dorje Rinpoche: At the end of 2002 Rinpoche
came to Samye Ling to confer empowerments and to conduct a Drupcho
to clear away obstacles to peace and harmony in the world. During
this time he consecrated the ashes of those who had chosen the Stupa
to be their final resting place.
Winter 2002 Newsletter
Inner & Outer Work: Lama Thubten Kunsal came all
the way from Tibet from his Monastery, Tashi Gonsar Gong monastery
in Dege, East Tibet. He completed the most beautiful statue of Amitabha,
Vajrapani and Chenrezig, all 3 statues are more than life size for
the Stupa shrine. Before the Autumn he also completed a magnificent
statue of Guru Rinpoche seated on a lotus in the middle of the fountain
of blessings outside the Stupa. During the Spring and Summer the
bridge between the island and the Stupa was completed as well as
the painting of the Stupa in white. Jimpa came during the year to
begin the work of fitting out the Amitabha Shrine in the Stupa.
The woods used will be native; Oak, Cherry, Yew, Sycamore and Ash
and there is no doubt in everyones mind that this will be the most
beautiful Stupa in the World.
Summer 2002 Newsletter |
Nyamso: Akong Rinpoche chose a new name "Nyamso"
for the fundraising treks. Nyamso means "To Restore". The
newly designated Pilgrimage Treks support the Stupa Project in the
West and similar projects in Tibet. Mount Kailash The first of these
pilgrimage treks set off for Mount Kailash and a very seldom visited
area called Kyirong (the site of Milarepa's long mountain retreat
at Drakar Taso) in May 2001 during the Holy month of Saga Dawa.

Karpu |
Decorating the Stupa and Planning the Peace Garden: Karpu,
a master stupa carver from Nepal, came to decorate the basic structure
with wonderful traditional relief carving. Chenden began to work with
Jimpa, a carpenter and artist who had been a monk on Holy Island,
designing the panelling for the inner shrine of the Stupa. More fundraising
was initiated to complete the stupa, establish the Peace Garden and
build the bridge and Guru Rinpoche Fountain, which are part of the
Garden. Two trekkers, Will Tooby and Jane Cox, who are nursery gardeners,
undertook to gather plants and deliver them according to plans made
by Betty and Paul Richardson who designed the garden and pond in consultation
with Akong Rinpoche. Vin Harris, an ex- resident of Samye Ling, who
runs a woodworking business in the valley, undertook to fund the wood
panelling for the Amitabha Project which provides funeral arrangements
and boxes for ashes to be placed inside the Stupa. |

Venerable Gyampso
Phuntsok |
Stupa Consecration
Lama Phuntsok arrived in summer with a bevy of young monks to conduct
the purification and blessing of all the stupa's contents. On August
3rd, Dharmachakra Day, the great ceremony of consecration was conducted
by Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche, one of Tibet's greatest saints and masters
in the company of a great gathering of lamas, monks, nuns and lay
Drupchen He then continued to conduct a week's prayers for
peace in the world which continued unbroken 24 hours a day until August
10th. This was the first Drubchen to take place at Samye Ling and
was a very wonderful way to inaugurate the Stupa and express the power
of the Mahayana motivation to benefit all beings.

Blessing Ceremony

The Spire
The inner form of the Spire was made from solid concentric circles
of Douglas Fir, then taken to Oxford to be covered with copper. The
thirteen rings of the spire represent the 13 levels of Spiritual Achievement
and Teaching of the Bodhisattvas (great enlightened beings of compassion
and wisdom). The Life Stick was then craned into place in a moving
ceremony on a beautiful sunny afternoon. Held in place with red and
yellow climbing ropes above a golden mandala, it forms the inner backbone
of the sacred structure. It is sealed into the structure with all
the sacred texts and other ritual objects. The golden canopy, sun
and moon ornaments, symbolise the pinnacle of this path, the perfection
of Wiosdom and Compassion, the Buddha Mind. |
Bumpa: The Bumpa or 'Vase' is the second hollow
chamber and symbolises Emptiness and Compassion. Architect Chenden
designed the Bumpa and led the building team to Victory with Terry
Mills taking care of health and safety. Terry was a great benefactor
who donated lorry loads of bricks and tools from the start of the
project. He came nearly every weekend to help with the concrete pouring,
now it was a race to finish for the August consecration. |
Fundraising Treks Begin: In February the fundraising
treks took place providing the much needed funds for the continuation
of building work on the Victory Stupa. Work proceeded on the construction
of the bumpa under the guidance and supervision of Chenden, a monk
who is an architect and who helped considerably with the building
work. |
1999 Millenium Himalayan Challenge: It was clear that large
funds would be needed to complete this ambitious project, so a meeting
of the Stupa Committee was called for ideas and support. Sir Chris
Bonington, Doug Scott, Hamish McInnes, all mountaineers familiar with
and supportive of Tibetan culture, gathered to consult and advise.
Doug Scott and Hamish McInnes had been given Tibetan texts describing
the sacred aspects of the valleys of Nepal. Doug suggested organising
fundraising treks to the caves and valleys which had been the retreats
of great Tibetan meditators in Nepal. With his help and support three
treks were organised raising altogether £90,000 towards the
building of the stupa
1998 The Fundraising Exhibition: The exhibition of donated
art works opened on May 9th at St. Mungo's Museum and lasted for one
week. It was supported by The Bank of Scotland, Glasgow Museums, Carruthers
Gemmil, Dumfries and Galloway Council and the building firms, Ove
Arup and Miller Constructions. The Exhibition began with a combined
Scottish and Tibetan musical performance in front of Glasgow City
Chambers. The Selkirk Pipe Band played in concert with Tibetan instruments
of the Sangha of Samye Ling and a display of Tibetan Sacred dance.
Artists, photographers and crafts men from all over the world contributed
to the Exhibition. Notable Scottish artists included Andy Goldsworthy,
Stephen Campbell and Craigie Aitchison. |
Foundation laid: Work began on laying the reinforced
concrete foundations of the Victory Stupa at Samye Ling. Throughout
the summer volunteers gathered at weekends to help with concrete pouring
and bricklaying. By the end of 1998 we had built the shrine room.
Work continued through 1999 and by the end we had constructed the
4 rings which form the walls of the first hollow chamber and symbolise
the four immeasurable thoughts of Loving Kindness, Comapassion, Joy
and Impartiality. These were completed by the winter. |

Concrete |
The building of the small Stupas: Akong Rinpoche initiated
the building of 8 small Stupas in the Samye Ling drive to introduce
the concept of Stupa's to the community. This gave a great boost to
the fund-raising process and educated us all in the process of Stupa
building and its practical and spiritual significance. Blessing the Land: The area on which the stupa would
be built was consecrated in the presence of Akong Rinpoche, Lamdrak
Rinpoche and Lama Phuntsok. |
1996 International Support: Messages of support for the Stupa
Project were sent from the Office of the Prince of Wales, President
Mandela and Archbishop Tutu. Professor Keith Critchlow of the Prince
of Wales's School of Architecture, Sir Chris Bonington CBE, Jimmy
and Sarah Boyle of the Gateway Trust and Doug Scott CBE were among
other notable supporters of the project. |
Beginning of Project: By this time the site of the Peace
Stupa at Samye Ling was chosen, consecrated and blessed by Situ Rinpoche
and Pawo Rinpoche. Previosly in 1984 the Dalai Lama on his first visit
to Samye Ling blessed the area around the future Stupa as a World
Peace Garden. |